Our Uncapped Fibre Broadband solution will increase the productivity of your organisations productivity, by insuring that you never run out of bandwidth and offer your organisation access to a highly reliable high-speed connectivity solution.
Uncapped Fibre Broadband
Standard Uncapped Fibre Packages
5/5 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 5
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 5
Mbps10/5 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 5
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 10
Mbps10/10 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Capped Upload Speeds 10
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 10
Mbps20/2 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 2
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 20
Mbps20/5 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 5
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 20
Mbps20/10 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 10
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 20
Mbps20/20 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 20
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 20
Mbps40/20 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 20
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 40
Mbps50/5 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 5
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 50
** Premium Uncapped packages are not subject to throttling or monthly thresholds, and will enjoy full speed real-time services under all normal circumstances, but will be subject to the shaping of downloads when there is a high demand on the network.
** Premium Plus Uncapped packages are unshapped, however shaping may be applied during times of network congestion. This service is all business priorities for busniess use, meaning that all business related protocols(Such as VoIP, Emails, web browsing and other protocols) will not be shaped even when shaping is applied. -
Advanced Uncapped Fibre Packages
50/50 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 50
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 50
Mbps100/10 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 10
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 100
Mbps100/50 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 50
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 100
Mbps100/100 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 100
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 100
Mbps200/20 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 20
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 200
Mbps200/100 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 100
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 200
Mbps200/200 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 200
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 200
Mbps1000/100 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 100
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 1000
Mbps1000/1000 Mbps Uncapped
FibreBandwidth* Uncapped Upload Speeds 1000
Fibre LineDownload Speeds 1000
** Premium Uncapped packages are not subject to throttling or monthly thresholds, and will enjoy full speed real-time services under all normal circumstances, but will be subject to the shaping of downloads when there is a high demand on the network.
** Premium Plus Uncapped packages are unshapped, however shaping may be applied during times of network congestion. This service is all business priorities for busniess use, meaning that all business related protocols(Such as VoIP, Emails, web browsing and other protocols) will not be shaped even when shaping is applied.